
Senior Language Class 2023-24

 "Pancake Tuesday" fun event held during "Wellness Week". You can also see the children learning "Scratch" and creating variables and sprites. Also featured are some chidlren from the Senior Classes who took part in the local "Credit Union Quiz" held in St Colmcille's Senior National School Knocklyon. 
To celebrate Christmas, we were lucky enough to go on two trips! 
Our first trip was to the panto with Ms. O'Donoghue's class. We had the best time laughing at Buffy, singing and dancing with Sammy Sausages and booing the bad guys! We "swurr on our hurrr" that we had an amazing time!
Our second trip was up to the DSPCA with Ms. Donnelly's class. We learned all about the work that they do up there and got to see loads of different kinds of animals that need a new home.
Senior Language SummerTime 2024
Go Kids Go Trip 
We Had A Great Time There
Science Week 2023
This week we learned about loads of different aspects of Science and how things work. At the end of the week, there was a huge science fair in the hall where we got to explore, investigate, and experiment with loads of materials to get to different goals.
We were so lucky that Santa came to pay us a visit. We got to decorate a Christmas tree decoration, play Pin the Nose on the Snowman, and most importantly, we met Santa. It was so much fun and we got told that we are all on the Good List :)