
Junior Infants 2024-25

Hi everyone, welcome to our first post for Junior Infants! We have been settling in really well and doing lots of fun activities such as painting, playing with playdoh, building lego constructions, counting to ten, learning new action songs and listening to stories! Have a look at our fun photos from our first few days in Junior Infants!
The last two weeks the children have been learning all about Autumn. They brought in Autumn leaves, pine cones, conkers and sticks to put n our nature area, which they then used to build nests and habitats for the hibernating woodland creatures. We read the story about Hattie the Hedgehog in Don't Hog the Hedge and made our own hedgehogs using clay, paint and match sticks for the prickly spine. We also constructed our class scarecrow out of boxes, leaves, felt, materials, wool and twigs. We called him Steve! We also went on our sponsored walk around the school grounds and saw more Autumn leaves and even some sunflowers in the school garden! Thank you to everyone who donated money :)
For Science week we did lots of cool activities- we played with robot bees, played with magnets, learned about the human body and it's organs, made x ray pictures with cue tips, built volcanoes with Lego and made them erupt with baking soda and vinegar and went exploring outside for bugs and minibeasts! So many fun activities for Science Week!!
Check out our fabulous winter art and sparkly snowflakes!
Junior Infants Cafe
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning all about cafes and restaurants and who works there. For Aistear, everyone took turns dressing up as a waitress, waiter and chef and got to serve their "customers" menus, soft drinks, dinner, breakfast, dessert and then pay for the bill at the end. We had great fun doing that! On week 2, the children got to bake delicious banana bread and make yummy smoothies in the kitchen with Maggy. This was all great practise for our Junior Infants Cafe, which we opened for the parents on Friday 17th! The children put on their chef aprons and hats for the event. They had made menus for the cafe, which they handed out to their mums and dads who ticked what they wanted on the menu, and the children then served them delicious banana bread, pastries, croissants and smoothies. The teachers served tea and coffee. The children had great fun putting their new "serving" skills to good use! Thank you to  all the mums, dads and nanas, who came to our cafe, it was a great day!
Last week we listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs. In our groups we acted out the story, using masks and props. We also painted and constructed paper plate pig faces as well as practising our cutting and pasting skills by cutting out and sticking together the 3 pigs. We made their 3 houses using yellow crepe paper for straw, lolly sticks and red squares for the bricks. Check out our cool Three Little Pigs display!
The children have been having great fun doing yoga with our yoga teacher Vanessa. Check out all our yoga poses!
We had great fun on our Halloween dress up day! We had a disco in the hall, then we made chocolate witches hats with cones, melted chocolate, smarties and marshmallows! We made very cool Halloween art with pumpkins (made from apple prints), handprinted ghosts and spooky silhouettes. Check out our spooktacular photos! Happy Halloween!
Coming up to Christmas we have had 2 visits with Santa as well as the garda band, where we had a fun carols sing along. We also performed our Nativity for all the pupils and parents, and the children did such a fantastic job. Check out our fabulous Christmas festivities so far!
The children had a great day visiting Santa's Grotto, where they got to meet the main man himself, as well as decorate their own Christmas cookies, make decorations and drink hot chocolate!